Khanna Dentistry is one of the few dentists in Geneva, IL to offer conscious Sedation Dentistry options. We offer several sedation dentistry techniques, including I.V. sedation, for patients who have dental anxiety or are in need of complex dental treatment.
In Illinois, dentists must have a special permit to offer I.V. sedation. They must complete special training, maintain proper facilities and have additional training for support staff. Dr. Neeraj Khanna is certified in Illinois to administer I.V. sedation to patients at our Geneva dental office.
I.V. Sedation Dentistry
I.V. Sedation Dentistry is a form of conscious sedation. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during treatment.
With this sedation dentistry technique, medication is delivered through an I.V. line to achieve conscious sedation. The patient is closely monitored using blood pressure, pulse oximeter, and EKG. Most patients who undergo I.V. sedation dentistry report little or no memory of their procedure.
Dr. Khanna routinely uses sedation for removal of wisdom teeth, and all other procedures. If you are interested in this, Dr. Khanna will evaluate your medical history and consult with a medical doctor if needed.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide has been the primary means of sedation in dentistry for many years. Nitrous oxide is safe; the patient receives 50-70 percent oxygen with no less than 30 percent nitrous oxide. It is a sweet smelling, non-irritating, colorless gas which is inhaled. The patient is able to breathe on his or her own and remain in control of all bodily functions.
With Nitrous Oxide, the patient may experience mild amnesia and may fall asleep not remembering all of what happened during their appointment.
The Advantages of Using Nitrous Oxide
- The depth of sedation can be altered at any time to increase or decrease sedation.
- There is no after effect such as a “hangover”
- Inhalation sedation is safe with no side effects on your heart or lungs
- Inhalation sedation is very effective in minimizing gagging
- It works rapidly reaching the brain within 20 seconds. In as few as two to three minutes, it’s relaxation and pain-killing properties develop.
Reasons Not to Use Nitrous Oxide
Although there are no major contraindications to using nitrous oxide, you may not want to use it if you have emphysema, chest problems, multiple sclerosis, a cold, or other difficulties with breathing.