Feel at Ease with Dental Services from Dr. Khanna

Dr. Khanna and his qualified staff offer top-quality dental services to those living on the Geneva, IL area. The office is one of the few in the city that offers conscious sedation dentistry. In the state of Illinois, dentists have to have a special permit to administer intravenous sedation to patients. Dr. Khanna has completed the necessary classes to provide patients with this treatment, and is state-certified. This method is best for those who have serious anxiety about going to the dentist, or for individuals who need to have serious dental surgery.

More About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is safe and effective, and helps to make patients feel more relaxed during a dental procedure. The patient is monitored closely while sedated, using an EKG and pulse oximeter, and the individual’s blood pressure is observed during the sedation as well. Many of the people who undergo sedation during their dental operations or treatment report that they have little or no recollection of the experience.

Many people use the sedation method to have their wisdom teeth removed, as well as other intense procedures. Those who are interested should talk to Dr. Khanna so that their medical history can be evaluated before sedation services are rendered.

What Is Used in the Sedation Treatment?

Nitrous oxide, along with oxygen, are the substances used to sedate dental patients at Dr. Khanna’s office. No less than 30 percent nitrous oxide combined with 50 to 70 percent nitrous oxide is used to help patients in the dental chair feel more at ease. The level of sedation can be adjusted at any time during the procedure, and there are no side effects like a heavy or drowsy feeling. Nitrous oxide also does not harm to the lungs or heart.

Warnings for Nitrous Oxide

While nitrous oxide is safe for most patients to use, this form of sedation is not safe for individuals with a cold, chest problems, emphysema, or multiple sclerosis.