What are the benefits of “complete dentistry”? | Dr. Khanna, DDS

Many patients come to the dentist with a dental health issue and they are treated “symptomatically”. This means that there is a good chance they may come back to the dentist with the same problem or a related problem because the underlying cause has not been properly diagnosed and treated.

Dr. Khanna, DDS, practices “complete dentistry” and takes a comprehensive approach to each patient’s case. This approach involves a thorough assessment of the four major components of a patient’s oral health:

  • The joints: this includes the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects the jaw and the skull;
  • The muscles: the jaw muscles are some of the strongest in our body and allow proper opening and closing of the jaw when healthy;
  • Occlusion: how the teeth fit together when biting is an important part of overall oral health;
  • Supporting structures: this includes the bone and gum tissue that is part of our masticatory system.

When all of these components are balanced, healthy and functioning properly optimal dental health is achieved. Dr. Khanna takes the time to evaluate all of these areas to determine if there are imbalances or parts of a patient’s occlusal system that are not working properly because this can be the underlying cause for a cosmetic issue or dental concern.

Dr. Khanna wants his patients to experience comfortable and long lasting results from any type of dental procedure and will take the time to understand both the condition of a patient’s oral health and their personal concerns and goals. Whether a patient is in need of a procedure to address a health problem, or desires a cosmetic procedure, Dr. Khanna applies the principles of complete dentistry to help ensure lasting results and maintain oral health.

Contact Dr. Khanna at his Geneva, IL dental office to schedule a consultation and discuss your options.