Geneva IL Dentist Blog


Preventing Enamel Erosion | 60134 Cosmetic Dentist

Do you have white spots on your teeth? Are your teeth quite sensitive? Do your teeth have cracks, chips, or indentations? If yes, then you may be experiencing enamel erosion and should make an appointment with our dentist in Geneva, IL. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human… ...Read More


Oral Hygiene at Work | Dentist in Geneva IL

Do you brush your teeth after lunch? If you're one of the millions of people who work outside the home, chances are you don't have the time or resources to brush during the day. However, not being able to brush doesn't mean you can't protect your teeth at work. Grab… ...Read More


Do I Really Need an Exam? | Cosmetic Dentist in Geneva IL

It's highly likely that after visiting our practice, you understand the value of a thorough, professional dental cleaning. It's also likely that you may not fully understand the importance of a complete exam and radiographs.  There are many reasons the exam is an important part of your oral health routine. … ...Read More


4 Ways to Achieve Optimal Oral Health | Dentist in 60134

Keeping up optimal oral health takes more than brushing and flossing. Maintaining oral hygiene demands a bit of work, but it is worth it in the long run. Here are four ways you can improve your dental health right now. Replace your toothbrush more often. When was the last time… ...Read More


Dry Mouth – Not Just a Nuisance | Geneva Smiles

Normal flow of saliva provides lubrication for swallowing and begins the process of digestion while you chew. Saliva also protects your teeth by neutralizing and washing away acids, sugars, and other particles left behind after eating. From time to time, we all experience some amount of dry mouth. Hot weather,… ...Read More


4 Tips for Healthy, White Teeth | Geneva Dentist

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. One way to make a lasting impression is to have a healthy-looking smile. Over the years, teeth whitening has become immensely popular. People turn to in-office whitening, over-the-counter whitening, and home-made whitening techniques. Did you know that… ...Read More


3 Simple Ways to Reduce Tooth Decay | Dentist in Geneva

A happy smile is a healthy smile! There are a number of steps you can take to keep your smile healthy by reducing your risk of developing tooth decay. Here are a few suggestions from our team. Best Dentist in Geneva, IL 60134 Eat a Tooth Friendly Diet  Reduce the amount of… ...Read More


Dentist in Geneva | 7 Ways to Get Your Calcium Dairy-Free

Calcium is an important mineral for building strong, healthy teeth, but not everyone can tolerate the lactose found in dairy. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. About 65% of people have reduced ability to process lactose past infancy. Dentist in Geneva, IL 60134 If you have difficulty… ...Read More


60134 Dentist | Blood Thinners and Oral Surgery

Blood thinning medications are helpful in regulating your body to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other serious issues. However, if you are scheduled for oral surgery, it is vital that our oral surgeon is aware of all medications you are using.  Geneva, IL 60134 Dentist How Blood Thinners Work There are two… ...Read More


Dentist in Geneva IL | The Truth About Dental Anxiety

Is anxiety or nervousness preventing you from visiting our team? Dental treatments should not be a cause of stress. If you worry about pain, embarrassment, or loss or control during a dental examination, we want you to know two very important things: You are not alone and We can help.… ...Read More


Dentist Geneva | Be Wary of These Beverages

It’s common knowledge that plenty of beverages are not good for your health. The excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol found in a lot of popular drinks have well-documented impacts on your body. However, you may not be aware of the immediate impacts that these beverages can have on… ...Read More