Geneva IL Dentist Blog


Geneva IL Cosmetic Dentist | How to Prevent Dry Socket

HAlveolar osteitis, more commonly known as dry socket, is a temporary complication that can occur following a tooth extraction. Fortunately, it is rare, preventable, and short-lived. Here are some tips to help avoid dry socket after oral surgery and ensure a quick and comfortable recovery. What is Dry Socket? When… ...Read More


General Dentist Geneva | Only Floss The Teeth You Want To Keep

Every time you stop in to visit your dentist, you are asked, “Do you floss regularly?” This is because flossing is instrumental in maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. It helps to remove the plaque that brushing alone can’t reach. While we all know brushing is critical to your oral health,… ...Read More


Tooth Extractions

There are a number of reasons for a tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common types of tooth extractions; other reasons might include teeth that are broken, not properly aligned, severely damaged, or affected by decay or disease. Dr. Neeraj Khanna is a highly trained restorative and… ...Read More


Choosing the Right Dental Products

To maintain good oral hygiene, you need to start with the best dental products. With so many to choose from – how do you know which products are right for you? Whether it’s a powered or a manual toothbrush, you have a variety of choices that can confuse you. And… ...Read More


Receding Gums

Receding gums is a common dental problem that happens gradually and oftentimes goes unnoticed. It can lead to tooth decay, bone, tissue, and tooth loss. When bacteria in the mouth increases, pockets form between the teeth and the gums. This causes the gum line to wear away and expose more… ...Read More


Are You Afraid of the Dentist?

Are you avoiding routine dental check-ups because you are afraid of the dentist? Did you know that by not making or keeping appointments with your dentist can lead to serious dental complications and can also impact your overall health? Avoiding routine checkups means that you are taking risks. These risks… ...Read More


In the Know:  TMJ Causes and Treatment

In the Know:  TMJ Causes and Treatment If you are experiencing pain, clicking or popping in your jaw when you talk or chew, the chances are that you have TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder. What is TMJ? TMJ disorder or syndrome is the pain in the jaw joint. The TMJ is… ...Read More


Why You Need To Replace Missing Teeth

Any experienced dentist would love to see all patients keep a full set of healthy, functional teeth. However, due to factors like dental trauma, poor oral hygiene, and complex dental concerns, maintaining a full set of healthy teeth is not always possible. Modern dentistry and advancements in dental technology are helping… ...Read More


Are Porcelain Veneers Right For You?

Whether you have sustained tooth damage or discoloration, porcelain veneers can help improve your smile. Imagine being able to create your ideal smile- porcelain veneers can be custom designed to match your cosmetic needs. At Khanna Dentistry, we offer a full range of cosmetic services, including porcelain veneers. Geneva dentist… ...Read More


Improving Your Oral Health

It's not a secret that many patients neglect taking care of their teeth and gums unless they notice a problem. The harm in this method of care is that once you begin to notice symptoms and signs of dental issues, you may be experiencing an advanced form of a complex dental issue.… ...Read More


Happy National Dentist’s Day

Happy National Dentist's Day to Dr. Neeraj Khanna and our dental care team at Khanna Dentistry. We are taking a moment to highlight the exceptional dental care that Dr. Khanna and our dental care team display to each of our patients. At Khanna Dentistry we provide educated, complete dental care… ...Read More


3 Ways To Achieve A Beautiful Smile

As a skilled cosmetic dentist, Dr. Neeraj Khanna has unique knowledge in the art of creating beautiful, long-lasting smiles. Dr. Khanna takes the time to listen to your dental goals, examine your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your dentistry needs. If you are looking for solutions to improve your smile,… ...Read More


Sedation Dentistry in Geneva, IL

Are you dealing with dental fear and anxiety? At Khanna Dentistry in Geneva, IL, we have a wide range of sedation dentistry options to help patients receive the treatment they need in a safe, relaxing environment. Dental fear and anxiety can be detrimental to your oral health. Finding ways to cope may… ...Read More


Are You Experiencing Headaches? Khanna Dentistry Has Solutions

Reoccurring headaches, especially in the morning can be a result of a dental issue. Headaches may be symptoms of TMJ disorder or teeth grinding.  At Khanna Dentistry in Geneva, IL, restorative dentist Dr. Neeraj Khanna offers treatment for patients with TMJ disorder, teeth grinding, and other complex dental problems. Dr. Khanna… ...Read More


Treating Crooked Teeth To Improve Your Oral Health

Addressing crooked teeth can improve your oral health. Most patients search for solutions to correct their crooked teeth due to cosmetic concerns but aren't aware of the improvement straightening crooked teeth can have on your oral health. When the teeth are crooked or misaligned, patients have a difficult time maintaining… ...Read More